Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Post Card From New Hampshire On Resting: Living a Halcyon Summer's Day

Making hay while the sun shines

Learning to take care of oneself is a life time of work. When things feel intense and time feels as though there is not enough of it, the thing I love to do most is to come up to see my friends who live in the New Hampshire countryside. I cut these flowers in the garden and started to build a bouquet. Note the blueberries on the left hand side. I have mixed feelings about cut flowers, but none the less, here I am, enjoying them. 

Back to the grind soon enough, but I need this break. So I'm playing with my friend's five year old grandson, Torrin, and doing things like this:

Gone fishing, see you soon!


hal • cy • on |ˈhalsēən|
denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful : the halcyon days of the summer when my grandmother made scones and we sat under the shaded tree by the stream in Dorset. See note at calm .
1 a tropical Asian and African kingfisher with brightly colored plumage. Genus Halcyon, family Alcedinidae: many species.
2 a mythical bird said by ancient writers to breed in a nest floating at sea at the winter solstice, charming the wind and waves into calm.
ORIGIN late Middle English (in the mythological sense): via Latin from Greek alkuōn ‘kingfisher’ (also halkuōn, by association with hals ‘sea’ and kuōn ‘conceiving’ ).

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